There aren’t many places left in the world where you can hear the undisturbed sounds of nature without noise pollution from traffic, aircraft, or other human activity – and that’s precisely why two recordists journeyed to the remote shores of Iceland to record Waves Wind Water Vol. 2. Delivering even more content than Vol. 1, and designed to fill in any gaps, this comprehensive library is packed with sounds from some of the purest natural environments on Earth – all in multiple formats for unparalleled flexibility.
Traveling around Iceland’s Ring Road, recordists Jason Strawley and Andrew Garraway captured immersive, detailed soundscapes at dozens of diverse locations ranging from beaches to glaciers and everything in between. With no human interference and very little wildlife to be heard, these recordings can stand in for any location, real or imagined. Best of all, each recording is available in Ambisonic, 5.1 Surround, and stereo formats, giving you the flexibility you need for any project, from cutting commercial spots to building interactive VR experiences.
This wide-ranging library includes flowing streams and distant surf, waves breaking on pebble beaches and pounding on sea cliffs, roaring waterfalls and the trickle of melting snow – even geothermal activity from mudpots and fumaroles. Precipitation sounds range from pattering rain on mossy stone to the delicate sound of snow falling and metal creaks from a marina in a rainstorm. The selection of wind sounds is ideal for designing desolate, abandoned locales with light gusts blowing through crime scene tape and powerful gales that buffet cars and howl through fences and buildings.